Beginning January 1, 2017, we will launch a year of biblical literacy. Throughout this next year, we will focus on reading the Bible on our own as individuals and studying the Bible together through the Sunday morning sermon, through Sunday school lessons, in small group studies here in the church building and in our homes.
According to the most recent studies done by the Barna Research Group (2010), biblical literacy in America is at an all-time low. While that may not come as a shock, considering the dramatic changes in our culture and country over the last couple of generations, what is shocking is the fact that biblical literacy within the church is not much better than outside the church. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, shocks us more with the stark reality, “This scandalous problem is our own, and it’s up to us to fix it.” In the same January 20, 2016, article Dr. Mohler continues, “We will not believe more than we know, and we will not live higher than our beliefs.” Dr. Mohler’s assessment is right on target; the less we know the Bible, the less we believe and the less we act like we believe.
This year we’re going to get into the Bible together as a church. To do this, I’m asking everyone to focus on three tasks: (1) bring your Bible to church; (2) read your Bible at home; (3) participate in at least one Bible study beyond the Sunday morning worship service.
To help us all get into reading and studying the Bible on our own and together, the church will provide a year-long Bible reading guide at the welcome center. The reading guide will prescribe a couple chapters and suggest a Psalm every day. If you need a new Bible or want to try a new translation in this new year, contact the office for guidance.
There are several weekly opportunities to study the Bible at the church. Sunday school is at 9:00 a.m. There is a study for ladies on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible study, at 6:00, is a follow-up to the Sunday morning sermon; take notes in your bulletin and bring them with you. We will also host a weekly Bible study, every Sunday at 6:00 p.m.; this new study will focus on giving an overview of the whole Bible, one book at a time from Genesis to Revelation, and will feature a short video introduction, a visual overview handout, and group discussion. Individuals and families who are interested in hosting a Bible study in their home should contact the office for more information about materials that are available and for other assistance.