What Do You Love About Christmas?

What do you love about Christmas? That’s kind of a dumb question, isn’t it? What’s not to like about Christmas? We love the stories, The Story, the lights, the music, the food; it’s all good! And it doesn’t really seem to matter why a person celebrates Christmas, whether as a winter festival of lights or … [Read more…]

Don’t Be Selfish with Your Thanks

With this newsletter you will find the November calendar. Yep, there it is, fourth Thursday of November: Thanksgiving. Just as April showers bring May flowers, Thanksgiving brings a note about giving thanks. It’s like clockwork; it’s expected. And, like clockwork, when we give thanks at Thanksgiving, we typically focus on what we have for which … [Read more…]

What Bible Should I Use?

We’ve spent much of our time this year focusing on the Bible, and I pray that you have been encouraged to spend more time reading, studying, meditating on, and maybe even memorizing God’s Word. Certainly, I pray that you have been trusting God’s Word and applying it to your life every day. While I have … [Read more…]

By What Authority?

Our independent nature and affinity for democracy sometimes gets us Americans into trouble. It’s not that we don’t recognize authority; it’s not that we don’t respect duly appointed authority. It seems that sometimes we just don’t recognize authority that is not established by election or by some other mechanism of group consensus, such as rules … [Read more…]

Are We Really Independent?

The Declaration of Independence tells the world, very clearly, what our Founding Fathers understood to be the foundational reasons for this country’s separation from England: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty … [Read more…]

What Is Your Legacy?

In the May 2017 issue of Christian Standard magazine there are two news items that have affected me personally. Both are tributes to ministry leaders I have known who have passed away. Mike Grooms was the preacher at the church in Northern Kentucky where I was a part-time youth minister while I was studying at … [Read more…]

“What are you afraid of?”

The April 2017 issue of Christian Standard focused on the question, “Why are we so afraid?” Throughout the issue there are articles about living in a culture of fear and how to resist it. One article was written by a couple who have been missionaries in England for the past twenty some years. Having returned … [Read more…]

What Powers the Church?

If you were to ask our financial secretary, he might tell you that he has a full-time job answering calls from the gas and electric companies offering to save us money on our utilities. With all the calls we receive, it’s pretty obvious that power is big business. And we would certainly notice if our … [Read more…]

What’s Missing?

I recently heard an anecdote about a college professor in a life sciences course who often asked this “stumper” question on a test: Of the six nutrients that are essential to building and maintaining a healthy life, which is the most important? While the students were usually able to name the six nutrients – carbohydrates, … [Read more…]