Slow Growth

As I write this, I can hear the low drone of the cicadas through closed windows and over the sound of the traffic. Cicadas are strange, aren’t they? It baffles me to think that the cicadas we see and hear now came from eggs that were laid 17 years ago. I suppose, as the father … [Read more…]

Clarity for Rebuilding

The recent series, “A Rebuilding Season,” seems to have struck a nerve with some people, especially myself – I suppose it’s a good idea that the preacher’s sermons would affect change at least within the preacher. And that’s the point; these sermons were not planned, written, or preached with the sole purpose of making changes … [Read more…]

A Message for the Ages

Aging is a strange process. While we are young, we can’t wait to get older; when we discover we are old, we wish we were younger. It has recently come to my attention that I am getting older, more than that: I am an adult. I discovered this upon my realization that not only will … [Read more…]

What Is This Going to Cost?

We like a lot of options, don’t we? When building a new house or buying a new car or even a new computer, you find yourself facing all kinds of great options. So you spend some time imagining all the possibilities and put together an idea of what you really want. Then you have to … [Read more…]

No Gimmicks for the Gospel

  I read a lot of magazine articles, web pages, and blog posts about church growth and leadership. Frankly, I often feel overwhelmed when facing the tasks of preaching and teaching and working with our leaders to help this body of believers grow in our faith and knowledge of Jesus. I need the help; I … [Read more…]

It’s the Thought that Counts

I’d be surprised if you haven’t seen the movie “A Christmas Story” at least once in your lifetime, but don’t worry; I’m sure you’ll have at least a few dozen more opportunities to catch it on TV this season. At the climax of the movie, Christmas Morning, the main character, Ralphie, has to try on … [Read more…]

Prepare to Be Thankful

I know this is going to make me one of “them,” but it has to be said: the holidays are coming. As I write this, there are about five weeks until Thanksgiving and about nine until Christmas. (My mother would be appalled that I have called attention to it; please forgive me.) This is the … [Read more…]

Be Prepared

Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.” But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who … [Read more…]

Tipping My Hand

I know that it’s obvious how I spend some of my time. I preach every week and teach several lessons throughout the week. However, a lot of what I do is behind the scenes and involves a lot of study and thought. However, nothing that I do should be hidden, nor should it be done … [Read more…]